martes, febrero 17, 2009

Online support

In any electoral campaign, online support can push a candidate over the top ... and every campaign is trying to make the most of online channels to communicate its message, mobilize volunteers and supporters, and get out the vote. The 2.0 Online Tools set a new standard, with Internet-based volunteer and events management, voter-to-voter canvassing and contact queue tools, and a full GOTV mobilization suite. The 2.0 Online Tools have the most impact in national, Congressional, state, or large local races, where there is a critical mass of media attention and voter interest, but they are suitable for any race in which a few votes, or a few hundred, can make the difference.

With 2.0 tools at your back, you can empower your volunteers and supporters to do more to advance your candidacy than was possible in the days before the Internet. Via the Action Center on your Web site, your supporters can sign up to volunteer, find out about campaign events (and post and manage their own events), and follow campaign news on your blog (or register and post their own). All of this helps ensure that every extra hand is put to use in voter contact activities in the critical months, weeks, and days before your contest is decided. Most of that contact is retail politics -- direct communication between your campaign supporters and the voters who will decide the election, as they make the case for your campaign. Our voter contact queue and GOTV tools empower your volunteers and supporters to reach out directly, by phone, email, and in person, to the constituents who will be most important to your Election Day success.

And if you're developing a campaign strategy from scratch, the 2.0 Strategy Team can help you formulate a strategy that will build constituent loyalty and encourage visible public activity by your online supporters, so that your limited resources are spent cost-effectively in the early days to ensure that you generate as much constituent growth, buzz, and online contribution activity as possible.

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